How do I donate
to FACT? |

FACT is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community organization that
is completely supported through the generous contributions
of individuals, businesses, and foundations. If you are
interested in supporting our programs, or know of individuals
or foundations that might be, please contact us. All donations
are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law, and
FACT will not sell, rent, or give your information to any
third party. |

provides a secure way to donate to FACT with added conveniences
such as the ability to keep track of your donations throughout
the year and a History feature to help you itemize donations
at tax time.


For Charity!

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if you knew that every single purchase you made resulted
in a cash back check to FACT? What if you could simply
live your life - knowing that by simply purchasing products
and services you are going to use anyway you are going
to make a difference in the world!
what Shop For Charity Day E-Mall is all about.
to shop now!
giving enables donors to give gifts of assets through
a will. A charitable gift in a bequest lets your dedication
to helping those so much in need live on, while generously
supporting all that FACT provides to the community. In
addition, there can be tax benefits to your other beneficiaries
as the federal government allows an unlimited estate tax
charitable deduction. And adding FACT to a will or testamentary
instrument is simple.
find out more about the language to be included in your
will or testamentary instrument to add FACT as a beneficiary,
please contact the FACT office at the address below.
and Bequests

by Check

you prefer to send a check, please make it out to
Fighting Aids Continuously Together and mail the
check to:
Fighting Aids Continuously
Together (FACT)
P.O. Box 1028
Allentown, PA 18102
Phone: 610-820-5519
Regarding Tax Matters: Information that we provide on our
site is not intended to be tax, legal or accounting advice,
and you should not rely upon it as such. We make no claims
regarding the tax consequences of any donations you make to
FACT. You should consult a qualified tax advisor, attorney
or accountant regarding the applicability of prevailing tax
laws and regulations for donations to 501(c)(3)charitable
organizations such as FACT. |
official registration and financial information of Fighting AIDS
Continuously Together may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department
Of State by calling toll free, from within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.
Registration does not imply endorsement. |

is staffed entirely by individuals like you! There are
many opportunities to help...


FACT Contingency Funds address the emergency
needs of Greater Lehigh Valley residents affected by HIV/AIDS.
